The frequency of being stinged by mosquitos is a lot related to the diet habit.
During the very days I just came back from Calgary, I didn't get stinged by any mosquito here, but two weeks after which is now, I get stinged by almost EVERY mosquito here!!!!!! Frick!!!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
My God!!! It drives me insane!!!!
I went to the store "Calgary Rock" after such a long time!!
I really wanna play guitar at home!!!
Today, I went there.
Opening the door,
a middle-aged man, wearing sunglasses,
playing guitar alone, facing the door.
I stepped into the small room,
scanning those guitar books,
finding songs I've heard of.
Suddenly, I found several distinct dark pink letters and figures on the top of that book:
"SUM 41"!!
I quickly picked that book.
My God!! Inside the book,
everything was different from the book I played with in CHina!!!!
I closed that book,
and went into a smaller room where acoustic guitars were stored,
So many nice guitars!!!!
Those were so excellent!!!!
How much were they though?
cheapest $117, the smallest.
a normal one $299!!!
Oh , crap!!
ALso there were a lot of Aray (so to spell, the man in the store told me this) guitars out there.
Jesus!! Some cheaper ones were about $250 only
cheaper than an acoustic one,
but that was only the guitar itself!!
He showed me the most expensive one in that store which cost $5,999!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was floored at once!!! I kept silent for 5 seconds!!
I asked about if there were lessons there,
he showed me a piece of paper,
on that paper: 4 lessons per mth: $74.95 which was the cheapest one!!!!
I just bought the "SUM 41" book and left at once!!!!
I thought that after this semester,
I had to get a job and take those lessons,
cause I can learn more about how to play guitar there!!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Badminton!! Oh, Yeah!!
This Friday,
Felix, Sharron, John, Hisham, and I went to play badminton in a club.
This was the second time I played badminton since nearly 2 mths ago last time.
And because of no high-level players to play with me,
I played worse and worse,
Oh Gosh!!
This Friday, I played with a club member.
To tell you the truth,
I could beat him absolutely without thinking if I was in 9 mths ago!!
But that night, I was out of energy and I lost my skills and senses.
Therefore, I was beaten 21:3.
It was really a terrible score for me.
I wish I was full of energy and skills that time.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Special section for the pizza party
Thursday, we had a pizza party,
the same as the one in EAP II.
But this time something changed,
our funny instructor Murray and Scott began to play guitar for all of us;
at the same time,
we played a game:
a spoon with an attractive golf ball on it should be passed from the first person to the last one,
some one who dropped the ball should lined up after five people behind him or her.
Fortunately, I didn't attend this as I got the pizza quite early!! HAHAHA
Then I ate in EDC 173 with John, Felicio, around me.
Incident 1:
A beautiful girl with black long hair and reddish lips came into the classroom,
she stood beside me, eating her pizza.
at that time, John was away,
watching Murray and Scott's singing children's song (according to Murray's saying).
I let her sit down at his seat.
Then I we learned a little bit about each other,
she was a Korean girl but not from Seoul (don't be over excited),
and she'd been here for about 10 mths.
I lost myself in her....
Back, I saw Slava playing guitar outside wiht Murray's guitar,
and I had the impulse to play a Chinese song "Friends"for all the others,
however, when Murray's guitar was in my hand,
I was about to play,
Oh, No!! I forgot how to play suddenly.
Incident 2:
John and Felix called me to play badminton, since no one there wanted to have classes,
I left.
After I put on my badminton clothes,
John called me that there was no slot for us to play!!
Then I came back to school with my writing textbook for Ilana's Grammar class ( I didn't meant to)
Luckily, I caught up the "last chance for romance": Murray's final solo with guitar.
And we even took pictures,
how lucky I was!! hahahaha
I learned some terms of in guitar playing from our incredibly, and remarkably invincible lovely Murray: strum, and finger pick (so to spell).
That's the whole process of the pizza party!! GoooooooooooooooDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Hehe! Life is like this!
Last saturday evening,
I played badminton again,
I went back to my favorite badminton court again.
I didn't play very well that time,
just trying to find the feeling back.
I smashed a lot,
but few of those smashes worked well.
The speed was slow, and the bird didn't go the way I wanted it to go.
Anyway, I played it.
I ordered an iMac online last Friday,
but because some technique problems,
I had to cancel the purchase;
however, the commodity had already been shipped.
I could just return it, but I have to pay for the post fees and the 10% charge.
At the same time, my pot was on fire!!! Jesus!
I quickly turned the stove off, and put the pot into the sink immediately.
The whole house was safe after that.
The next day, I went to school, got my term paper back.
Holy Cow~! I passed!!!! I was so happy.
After back home,
I nearly got charged by my landlord that I didn't turn off the lights in my room.
I played badminton again,
I went back to my favorite badminton court again.
I didn't play very well that time,
just trying to find the feeling back.
I smashed a lot,
but few of those smashes worked well.
The speed was slow, and the bird didn't go the way I wanted it to go.
Anyway, I played it.
I ordered an iMac online last Friday,
but because some technique problems,
I had to cancel the purchase;
however, the commodity had already been shipped.
I could just return it, but I have to pay for the post fees and the 10% charge.
At the same time, my pot was on fire!!! Jesus!
I quickly turned the stove off, and put the pot into the sink immediately.
The whole house was safe after that.
The next day, I went to school, got my term paper back.
Holy Cow~! I passed!!!! I was so happy.
After back home,
I nearly got charged by my landlord that I didn't turn off the lights in my room.
This morning, I got up at six and arrived at school at 7:30 in order to attend a lecture,
however, they have a test today. Gees!
After that I felt a terrible discomfort in my stomach.
Before the reading class,
my housemate Jethro told me that he just thought of a way to solve my laptop infection problems.
Life is like this!
Accident is depended by luck; meanwhile, accident hides itself behind luck! (it is a Chinese proverb : 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。)
Life is like this!
Accident is depended by luck; meanwhile, accident hides itself behind luck! (it is a Chinese proverb : 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。)
But I should always be optimistic!!!!!!!!!!!!
"This, this is who I am,
I hope you understand.
and this is what I wanna be."
(Lyrics of Angela Ammon's "This Is Who I Am")
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Free Tibet?? Check this out!!
Looking at so many people are in favor of freeing Tibet, I, as a Chinese, can do nothing but paste this short video here to let you know the facts of Tibet!! Hope it works!!
P.S. I apologize for the swear words in it. That so many countries love to separate China with some ridiculous reasons proves that China hasn't been strong enough. Therefore, we all Chinese, wherever we are, we must work hard!!!! Then we are able to make our motherland much stronger than now!!!!
P.S. I apologize for the swear words in it. That so many countries love to separate China with some ridiculous reasons proves that China hasn't been strong enough. Therefore, we all Chinese, wherever we are, we must work hard!!!! Then we are able to make our motherland much stronger than now!!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
After Avril Lavigne's concert

Avril Lavigne's concert has already finished.
My dream has come true!!
She came to China last summer,
I could have showed up on her concert,
but I missed at last because of a trip to Harbin.
Last year when I was already here,
I was informed that Avril was going to have a best damn tour around Noth America.
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a good chance for me to see her face to face!!!!
I quickly became a "rossbone fan" and bought a presale ticket at floor!!
I was so excited that time!!
Last night,
the time my dream was coming true,
I went to the Saddledome,
stepped onto the floor,
found a good position quite near the stage.
I was so excited!!!
When I was in China,
I would never know I could meet Avril face to face on live.
So, you all can feel how excited I was when getting crazy step by step following Avril Lavigne, meaning that my impossible dream has already come true!!!!
Oh, My God!!!
My impossible dream has come true!!!
How Happy I was and I am!!!!
I first had a taste of such a grand happiness!!!!!
Avril Lavigne is a beautiful, sexy and powerful girl (my own opinion),
and she really drives me crazy.
Whenever I feel depressed, tired, or boring,
after listening to her songs, looking at her photos, and (or) watching her concerts(DVD),
I felt energetic again.
This is the secret why I was always optimistic and energetic in last semester,
which was a good impression on all the others.
in this semester,
I don't know what the hell happened to my mind,
maybe because more than one Canadian told me that Avril Lavigne is not popular here,
or she's a jerk.
So I seldom listened to her songs.
And in sequence, I changed.
Lots of failure in my essay writing,
and failure in my presentation,
failure in my mid-term listening.
All those things were gonna drive me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to be frank,
I was about to quit the concert last night before I left,
but considering that the price of the floor ticket was $ 54, so expensive,
I had to go.
So I arrived there appreciating the pre-concert with just a little smile on my face.
But after Avril Lavigne came out,
I turned myself upside down.
I was crazy.
I sang with her,
took pictures.
Blah, blah, blah,....
I'll never regret going to the concert.
Next time when she visits Calgary,
I'll definitely go to her concert as well!!
Last night's concert lit up my fire of fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avril!! You Rock!!!
You rock my life!!!!!
Pictures above are shot by Adrian Shellard, Calgary Herald,
Retrieved March 14th, 2008 from
My dream has come true!!
She came to China last summer,
I could have showed up on her concert,
but I missed at last because of a trip to Harbin.
Last year when I was already here,
I was informed that Avril was going to have a best damn tour around Noth America.
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a good chance for me to see her face to face!!!!
I quickly became a "rossbone fan" and bought a presale ticket at floor!!
I was so excited that time!!
Last night,
the time my dream was coming true,
I went to the Saddledome,
stepped onto the floor,
found a good position quite near the stage.
I was so excited!!!
When I was in China,
I would never know I could meet Avril face to face on live.
So, you all can feel how excited I was when getting crazy step by step following Avril Lavigne, meaning that my impossible dream has already come true!!!!
Oh, My God!!!
My impossible dream has come true!!!
How Happy I was and I am!!!!
I first had a taste of such a grand happiness!!!!!
Avril Lavigne is a beautiful, sexy and powerful girl (my own opinion),
and she really drives me crazy.
Whenever I feel depressed, tired, or boring,
after listening to her songs, looking at her photos, and (or) watching her concerts(DVD),
I felt energetic again.
This is the secret why I was always optimistic and energetic in last semester,
which was a good impression on all the others.
in this semester,
I don't know what the hell happened to my mind,
maybe because more than one Canadian told me that Avril Lavigne is not popular here,
or she's a jerk.
So I seldom listened to her songs.
And in sequence, I changed.
Lots of failure in my essay writing,
and failure in my presentation,
failure in my mid-term listening.
All those things were gonna drive me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to be frank,
I was about to quit the concert last night before I left,
but considering that the price of the floor ticket was $ 54, so expensive,
I had to go.
So I arrived there appreciating the pre-concert with just a little smile on my face.
But after Avril Lavigne came out,
I turned myself upside down.
I was crazy.
I sang with her,
took pictures.
Blah, blah, blah,....
I'll never regret going to the concert.
Next time when she visits Calgary,
I'll definitely go to her concert as well!!
Last night's concert lit up my fire of fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avril!! You Rock!!!
You rock my life!!!!!
Pictures above are shot by Adrian Shellard, Calgary Herald,
Retrieved March 14th, 2008 from
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Concert!!!
I went to Avril Lavigne's best damn tour tonight!!!
On the ticket,
it said the concert would start at 7:00.
I arrived there inside the Saddledome, at floor,
at 7:00.
Soon after I arrived,
the preconcert began.
I tested the environment around me:
Really Good!!
About half an hour later,
Concert began.
Avril jumped out wearing a symbolically classic sexy dress,
singing "girlfriend"!!!
Waving hands.............................................................................................................................................
I screamed, jumped, waved hands, and took pictures with my tiny Nokia 73.
As I was at floor,
I could see her really clearly!
She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole concert seemed to be a little bit short,
I love it so much!!!
Reason !: This is the first concert I've ever seen on live, and stand at floor, so close to the stage!!!
Reason 2: Avril Lavigne is my favorite idol!!!
Reason 3: Most of my depress accumulated before, because of constant failure in my essays and term paper, has gone away!!!!!!
I love this concert!!!!
I love this crazy experience!!!!!!
On the ticket,
it said the concert would start at 7:00.
I arrived there inside the Saddledome, at floor,
at 7:00.
Soon after I arrived,
the preconcert began.
I tested the environment around me:
Really Good!!
About half an hour later,
Concert began.
Avril jumped out wearing a symbolically classic sexy dress,
singing "girlfriend"!!!
Waving hands.............................................................................................................................................
I screamed, jumped, waved hands, and took pictures with my tiny Nokia 73.
As I was at floor,
I could see her really clearly!
She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole concert seemed to be a little bit short,
I love it so much!!!
Reason !: This is the first concert I've ever seen on live, and stand at floor, so close to the stage!!!
Reason 2: Avril Lavigne is my favorite idol!!!
Reason 3: Most of my depress accumulated before, because of constant failure in my essays and term paper, has gone away!!!!!!
I love this concert!!!!
I love this crazy experience!!!!!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Work. Work ? Work!
I've been here in Calgary for over half a year,
but I haven't got a part-time job here.
Looking at students around me,
nearly all of them have already got a job and been worked for a long time.
They've earned enough money to buy the round-trip tickets back to their hometown,
they've earned enough money for their daily use,
and they've earned enough money to buy cellphones, iPods, or laptops and desktops they want.
I haven't gotten any part-time job.
I've been using my parents' money for over half a year!!
I have to save money!
Whenever I fall in love with a certain commodity,
I really wanna purchase it;
is it badly needed?
If no,
then I just can pretend not knowing its existence.
Conversely, those who've earned money on their own can buy whatever they want as the money is their own property.
I wanna have a job!
But i don't wanna have a job as well.
Having a job, I can buy whatever I want, I can have my own freedom.
Not having a job, study hard, in the future, I may earn times more than right now, I can gain too much more freedom!
Having a part-time job is just a chance for me to communicate with others more than usual.
I cannot earn money this way.
For me as an international student,
it's also a chance to practice my spoken English: Fluency, Grammar, and Pronunciation.
Someone told me that in here students would like to take summer jobs during Spring session and summer session till fall session begins.
Maybe I can do it as well,
but i just don't know whether it is good or not.
For now, I'd like to study first,
and then consider having a job somewhere.
I can work on weekends,
earn a bit money,
i can buy less food for myself as i can eat at the workplace for free,
and I can also communicate with others.
Apart form getting a part-time job,
I also love to volunteer,
but I need to be a full university student,
not a student learning language here!!
I'll go back to study now!
If want to know the details,
just feel free to listen to explanation next time!!
but I haven't got a part-time job here.
Looking at students around me,
nearly all of them have already got a job and been worked for a long time.
They've earned enough money to buy the round-trip tickets back to their hometown,
they've earned enough money for their daily use,
and they've earned enough money to buy cellphones, iPods, or laptops and desktops they want.
I haven't gotten any part-time job.
I've been using my parents' money for over half a year!!
I have to save money!
Whenever I fall in love with a certain commodity,
I really wanna purchase it;
is it badly needed?
If no,
then I just can pretend not knowing its existence.
Conversely, those who've earned money on their own can buy whatever they want as the money is their own property.
I wanna have a job!
But i don't wanna have a job as well.
Having a job, I can buy whatever I want, I can have my own freedom.
Not having a job, study hard, in the future, I may earn times more than right now, I can gain too much more freedom!
Having a part-time job is just a chance for me to communicate with others more than usual.
I cannot earn money this way.
For me as an international student,
it's also a chance to practice my spoken English: Fluency, Grammar, and Pronunciation.
Someone told me that in here students would like to take summer jobs during Spring session and summer session till fall session begins.
Maybe I can do it as well,
but i just don't know whether it is good or not.
For now, I'd like to study first,
and then consider having a job somewhere.
I can work on weekends,
earn a bit money,
i can buy less food for myself as i can eat at the workplace for free,
and I can also communicate with others.
Apart form getting a part-time job,
I also love to volunteer,
but I need to be a full university student,
not a student learning language here!!
I'll go back to study now!
If want to know the details,
just feel free to listen to explanation next time!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
One week after reading week!

Whew! Reading week has already passed!!
So fast!!
And it's passed for one week.
Oh, no!!
This week, we received our terrible but lovely mid-term exams scores.
Some subjects' scores were a little bit satisfactory,
some are not,
and some was better not have be known!
We made appointments with our instructors asking for tips in order to improve ourselves.
Classroom for reading on Tuesday and Thursday changed,
a little bit fresh.
the best thing was :
We first had the chance and the honor to have an experience on Scott's class.
He was really, really an excellent teacher!!
On his class,
He treated us like his own children,
so naturally, he taught us in a different way !
He made us laugh!!
However, we learned a lot from him.
Really a lot!!
He not only taught us what to think,
but also how to think,
in writing essays!!
Thanx, Scott!
Besides, I wanna thank Murray.
He pointed out my weakness in listening and speaking:
just say what I wanna say without paying 100% attention to my audience.
This is what I need to improve!!
Besides, the method Murray taught us before,
the method of increasing our reading speed,
it worked well.
My reading speed has already improved a lot,
and it's even faster than my Chinese reading speed (actually I read Chinese really slowly before, now it turns even more slowly)
(oh, no!! I'm becoming Canadian!! I'm a Chinese!!)
Forget it!!
The second half semester has already begun.
I have to continue learning hard!!
And always!!!
What I want now is just to pass this course and go to my degree program,
since my scores before is not so satisfying!!!
No way!!!
Only pass this course???
I planned to get straight "A"s, or even "A+"s.
However, the highest score was "A" in normal quizzes.
Wait!! I think I can get "A" in my finals cause I'm working hard!!!
And I always will!!
God bless me!!
I'm the hero of the earth,
I'm the hero of the solar system,
and I'm the hero of the entire cosmos (j.k.)
Oh yeah!!
P.S. that is a burger borrowed from Mr. Scott.
The reason why I borrowed it because I can't help myself eating it!!
Every time I see that "sandwich (Scott's favorite)", I feel extremely hungry
even when I just finish my meal!!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Must I have a dream?
Dream a dream,
every day has a dream, has a dream...
I feel that I dream every night.
Sometimes those dreams are fairly beautiful,
however sometimes, they are quite awful!!
Sometimes I may dream about things I've been longing for,
however sometimes, I may meet with those people I hate.
But why do those people I hate appear in my important parties and celebrate together with me?
Why are those things I've longing for taken away by others in my dream?
Why do just a little bit of my endeavor get paid back?
Why do those impossible things happen in my dream??
I know that my luck is either bad or nil,
which means that I either have bad luck or no luck,
but it's all in reality,
how come in my dreams are the same?
Am I suffering a night terror?
Is my life supposed to be like this that I must be a loser for this whole life?
I don't believe in God!!
I always believe in myself!!
I always believe that my life must be dominated only by myself!!
And I did have obtained something I wanted,
I did have changed something I didn't like.
They seem to have proved it!!
However, why do so many extra factors that impede what I'm accomplishing???
Why? Why? Why?
I can't even defend those accidental factors from pulling my steps!!
If I didn't have dreams,
maybe I will never write all of these;
If I didn't have dreams,
maybe I will never trust the God!!
Everyone told me that I'm an optimistic boy!
I hope it is true,
and I hope it can bring me benefits,
even half of my endeavor pay-back.
Must I have a dream??
I don't know what dreams are now!!
Just consider them as garbage,
a kind of relax in life..
Reality is everything!!
Must I have a dream?
I'll keep on fighting against everything till I get what I want!!!
every day has a dream, has a dream...
I feel that I dream every night.
Sometimes those dreams are fairly beautiful,
however sometimes, they are quite awful!!
Sometimes I may dream about things I've been longing for,
however sometimes, I may meet with those people I hate.
But why do those people I hate appear in my important parties and celebrate together with me?
Why are those things I've longing for taken away by others in my dream?
Why do just a little bit of my endeavor get paid back?
Why do those impossible things happen in my dream??
I know that my luck is either bad or nil,
which means that I either have bad luck or no luck,
but it's all in reality,
how come in my dreams are the same?
Am I suffering a night terror?
Is my life supposed to be like this that I must be a loser for this whole life?
I don't believe in God!!
I always believe in myself!!
I always believe that my life must be dominated only by myself!!
And I did have obtained something I wanted,
I did have changed something I didn't like.
They seem to have proved it!!
However, why do so many extra factors that impede what I'm accomplishing???
Why? Why? Why?
I can't even defend those accidental factors from pulling my steps!!
If I didn't have dreams,
maybe I will never write all of these;
If I didn't have dreams,
maybe I will never trust the God!!
Everyone told me that I'm an optimistic boy!
I hope it is true,
and I hope it can bring me benefits,
even half of my endeavor pay-back.
Must I have a dream??
I don't know what dreams are now!!
Just consider them as garbage,
a kind of relax in life..
Reality is everything!!
Must I have a dream?
I'll keep on fighting against everything till I get what I want!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
An Explorer on Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day has passed.
On that day,
a lot of young and old couples gathered together,
sending roses to each other,
saying "I love you!",
kissing each other ignoring everything around them,
as between each couple is a whole world!!
What a cozy "I love you",
what a cozy kiss.
All of those things, cozy things,
are being waited by me.
Maybe people will think that I'm an idiot due to the words above.
Those making-out,
those words sounds so simple, so common, so ordinary.
that everyone can say it,
but no girl would like to say it to me.
I can say that I'm an explorer on Valentine's Day.
I'm seeking for a girl who loves me.
not only me was seeking for a girl that day,
a lot of guys were.
Money, power,
they can make a person be like a god.
people will follow everything he says,
and it's a goal my parents gave me when I was born.
On the contrary,
I don't agree with them.
Being rich and powerful,
I can get a lot of fun in my job,
how about my family??
After all those money and power I own cannot be taken away when I die.
what I need is just a happy life, cozy family.
maybe my parents are really poor,
they've paid me all of their money to send me here to study.
I must be rich in the future.
Does that mean I have to be "that" rich?
Definitely not!!!
I bet that you can tell what I've been looking for for so many years.
Girlfriend is changeable,
richness is unstoppable.
A boy, or a man, can get a lot of girlfriends in his whole life,
but A Wife that loves him without any payback is ONLY ONE!!!
Richness, power, or money can get a person many a things he or she wants,
but A Cozy Family, the warm feeling can never be bought,
Therefore, that's what richness and power are like!!
And that's what I've been looking for in my life!!
I'm an explorer seeking for a girl that loves me on Valentines' Day!
I'm looking for a chance to be "rich".
Maybe I should take my aunt's advice,
that girl will come to me when it is suitable enough for both of us!!!!!
Or maybe, it is predetermined that my life must be all alone.
I've had a happy, cozy family already,
that's a big family with my parents, grandma and my cousins!!
That's all I have!!!
And they are all good to me!!
Very, very good to me!!
But I'm young,
I need to fly in my own sky,
so I have to leave them.
And now I'm alone,
I don't know what I'm doing here.
Learning in U of C,
and don't know what's gonna happen in the future.
How I wish I were the Oracle in that movie "The Matrix"!!
On that day,
a lot of young and old couples gathered together,
sending roses to each other,
saying "I love you!",
kissing each other ignoring everything around them,
as between each couple is a whole world!!
What a cozy "I love you",
what a cozy kiss.
All of those things, cozy things,
are being waited by me.
Maybe people will think that I'm an idiot due to the words above.
Those making-out,
those words sounds so simple, so common, so ordinary.
that everyone can say it,
but no girl would like to say it to me.
I can say that I'm an explorer on Valentine's Day.
I'm seeking for a girl who loves me.
not only me was seeking for a girl that day,
a lot of guys were.
Money, power,
they can make a person be like a god.
people will follow everything he says,
and it's a goal my parents gave me when I was born.
On the contrary,
I don't agree with them.
Being rich and powerful,
I can get a lot of fun in my job,
how about my family??
After all those money and power I own cannot be taken away when I die.
what I need is just a happy life, cozy family.
maybe my parents are really poor,
they've paid me all of their money to send me here to study.
I must be rich in the future.
Does that mean I have to be "that" rich?
Definitely not!!!
I bet that you can tell what I've been looking for for so many years.
Girlfriend is changeable,
richness is unstoppable.
A boy, or a man, can get a lot of girlfriends in his whole life,
but A Wife that loves him without any payback is ONLY ONE!!!
Richness, power, or money can get a person many a things he or she wants,
but A Cozy Family, the warm feeling can never be bought,
Therefore, that's what richness and power are like!!
And that's what I've been looking for in my life!!
I'm an explorer seeking for a girl that loves me on Valentines' Day!
I'm looking for a chance to be "rich".
Maybe I should take my aunt's advice,
that girl will come to me when it is suitable enough for both of us!!!!!
Or maybe, it is predetermined that my life must be all alone.
I've had a happy, cozy family already,
that's a big family with my parents, grandma and my cousins!!
That's all I have!!!
And they are all good to me!!
Very, very good to me!!
But I'm young,
I need to fly in my own sky,
so I have to leave them.
And now I'm alone,
I don't know what I'm doing here.
Learning in U of C,
and don't know what's gonna happen in the future.
How I wish I were the Oracle in that movie "The Matrix"!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Blah, blah, blah...Yepee!!!
Firstly, let me finish our instructor's mission.
as follows:
Editing other's essay is good for me.
I did this in China frequently.
By doing this,
I can find a lot of mistakes from their works,
in the meantime,
they can find ours!!
Most importantly,
those tiny mistakes that we can hardly find them out all by ourselves can be found out by others easily.
And always,
these tiny mistakes determines a successful essay...
That's all that I can throw up on this topic,
I feel it extremely challenging to throw up 250 on this topic,
Forgive me pls, Dr. Ilana,
I'll compensate you via praying for you everyday (I mean it)...
What I wanna say,
what I'm gonna express myself is,
Happy Chinese New Year !!!!
The New Year's Eve is on Feb 6.
Usually on that night,
family members MUST get together and share a gorgeous feast!!!
Watching the show on TV,
eating snacks!!
I do miss that time very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are a lot of shows that will last 4 more hrs.
and till ten more seconds before 12:00 a.m.,
they'll count down seconds till 12:00.
then, the clock bell rings!!
We call a lot of our relatives, friends, and even colleagues, classmates, and teachers,
to say "Happy New Year" and other blessing idioms and, or phrases, poems to them...
We call it "Bai Nian"
some family will paste two sentences poems on to the frame of gates.
On the first day of Lunar New Year,
we'll visit a lot of people's house,
and give red bags that have money in it to "children of all ages" (Murray's wds).
I always get a lot,
and store them in a bank....
on Lunar Jan 1st,
almost every children wear new clothes (except those poor, I always appropriate part of my red bag money and donate it to them)
after the New Year's Day,
ppl often go out to travel together..
Plum blossom is on during those days,
snapping photos in parks, gardens....
being together with parents and relatives and friends...
How good that make me feel!!!!
I'll never forget that feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna go back to CHina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crying, Sobbing...........
as follows:
Editing other's essay is good for me.
I did this in China frequently.
By doing this,
I can find a lot of mistakes from their works,
in the meantime,
they can find ours!!
Most importantly,
those tiny mistakes that we can hardly find them out all by ourselves can be found out by others easily.
And always,
these tiny mistakes determines a successful essay...
That's all that I can throw up on this topic,
I feel it extremely challenging to throw up 250 on this topic,
Forgive me pls, Dr. Ilana,
I'll compensate you via praying for you everyday (I mean it)...
What I wanna say,
what I'm gonna express myself is,
Happy Chinese New Year !!!!
The New Year's Eve is on Feb 6.
Usually on that night,
family members MUST get together and share a gorgeous feast!!!
Watching the show on TV,
eating snacks!!
I do miss that time very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are a lot of shows that will last 4 more hrs.
and till ten more seconds before 12:00 a.m.,
they'll count down seconds till 12:00.
then, the clock bell rings!!
We call a lot of our relatives, friends, and even colleagues, classmates, and teachers,
to say "Happy New Year" and other blessing idioms and, or phrases, poems to them...
We call it "Bai Nian"
some family will paste two sentences poems on to the frame of gates.
On the first day of Lunar New Year,
we'll visit a lot of people's house,
and give red bags that have money in it to "children of all ages" (Murray's wds).
I always get a lot,
and store them in a bank....
on Lunar Jan 1st,
almost every children wear new clothes (except those poor, I always appropriate part of my red bag money and donate it to them)
after the New Year's Day,
ppl often go out to travel together..
Plum blossom is on during those days,
snapping photos in parks, gardens....
being together with parents and relatives and friends...
How good that make me feel!!!!
I'll never forget that feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna go back to CHina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crying, Sobbing...........
Friday, January 25, 2008
My impression of EAP III
I've been in EAP III class for around two weeks.
The first impression it left on me was the assignments.
Quite a lot of those assignments I should accomplish!!
(compared to the 10 hrs homework last year in my high school, it's nothing)
However, not all of them but some are very interesting I think.
Attending lectures, Speaking Journals, Research Projects, Book projects...
They are going to improve my abilities,
as well as my English proficiency of course(so to speak)
Today is a Friday of the second week,
till now,
what've we learned?
Grammar: Easy but tricky and fussy stuff...
Writing: A little important stuff
Speaking: I've been poured with pronunciations, "th" tips, greeting words(informal, can't be used in interviews)
Reading: Reading speed test (compared to Murray's) which is interesting, and guessing word meaning skills (advanced version), and method of improving reading speed (hope it works better)
all of the above are in class.
So what about off class?
I chat with everyone I want,
I watch television programs in English,
I listen to English music all day (so did I previously when I was in China)
I watched movies again and again to learn those words,
whatever kinda words,
even swear words (I just don't know how to use them, and don't know whether I'm allowed to use them in front of a Canadian) .
What's worse,
when I chat with my friends in China online,
I use English till they become angry.
I talk to my Mom and Dad in English,
till they force me to speak our own dialect.
And sometimes when speaking Mandarin Chinese,
I don't know how to organize words perfectly.
My friends told me before that after I'm back in China this summer,
I must teach them English,
and they'll teach me Chinese.
What the hell!!
It seems that I'm a Chinese language learner (definitely it's a joke)
The worst thing is,
every day before I fall asleep in bed,
when all lights are off,
I started to think about a lot of things IN ENGLISH!!!
It'll last about 1 to 2 hours averagely,
but sometimes I may be awake for a whole night just because of this!!!
I'm mentally sick (hopefully not)!!!
SEE!!!! These are the results of EAP III's super torture!!!
Anyway, I love it instead of hating it!!
Believe it or not!!
It's an entire joke, but it's not an entire joke in the meantime!!!!
The first impression it left on me was the assignments.
Quite a lot of those assignments I should accomplish!!
(compared to the 10 hrs homework last year in my high school, it's nothing)
However, not all of them but some are very interesting I think.
Attending lectures, Speaking Journals, Research Projects, Book projects...
They are going to improve my abilities,
as well as my English proficiency of course(so to speak)
Today is a Friday of the second week,
till now,
what've we learned?
Grammar: Easy but tricky and fussy stuff...
Writing: A little important stuff
Speaking: I've been poured with pronunciations, "th" tips, greeting words(informal, can't be used in interviews)
Reading: Reading speed test (compared to Murray's) which is interesting, and guessing word meaning skills (advanced version), and method of improving reading speed (hope it works better)
all of the above are in class.
So what about off class?
I chat with everyone I want,
I watch television programs in English,
I listen to English music all day (so did I previously when I was in China)
I watched movies again and again to learn those words,
whatever kinda words,
even swear words (I just don't know how to use them, and don't know whether I'm allowed to use them in front of a Canadian) .
What's worse,
when I chat with my friends in China online,
I use English till they become angry.
I talk to my Mom and Dad in English,
till they force me to speak our own dialect.
And sometimes when speaking Mandarin Chinese,
I don't know how to organize words perfectly.
My friends told me before that after I'm back in China this summer,
I must teach them English,
and they'll teach me Chinese.
What the hell!!
It seems that I'm a Chinese language learner (definitely it's a joke)
The worst thing is,
every day before I fall asleep in bed,
when all lights are off,
I started to think about a lot of things IN ENGLISH!!!
It'll last about 1 to 2 hours averagely,
but sometimes I may be awake for a whole night just because of this!!!
I'm mentally sick (hopefully not)!!!
SEE!!!! These are the results of EAP III's super torture!!!
Anyway, I love it instead of hating it!!
Believe it or not!!
It's an entire joke, but it's not an entire joke in the meantime!!!!
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