Whew! Reading week has already passed!!
So fast!!
And it's passed for one week.
Oh, no!!
This week, we received our terrible but lovely mid-term exams scores.
Some subjects' scores were a little bit satisfactory,
some are not,
and some was better not have be known!
We made appointments with our instructors asking for tips in order to improve ourselves.
Classroom for reading on Tuesday and Thursday changed,
a little bit fresh.
the best thing was :
We first had the chance and the honor to have an experience on Scott's class.
He was really, really an excellent teacher!!
On his class,
He treated us like his own children,
so naturally, he taught us in a different way !
He made us laugh!!
However, we learned a lot from him.
Really a lot!!
He not only taught us what to think,
but also how to think,
in writing essays!!
Thanx, Scott!
Besides, I wanna thank Murray.
He pointed out my weakness in listening and speaking:
just say what I wanna say without paying 100% attention to my audience.
This is what I need to improve!!
Besides, the method Murray taught us before,
the method of increasing our reading speed,
it worked well.
My reading speed has already improved a lot,
and it's even faster than my Chinese reading speed (actually I read Chinese really slowly before, now it turns even more slowly)
(oh, no!! I'm becoming Canadian!! I'm a Chinese!!)
Forget it!!
The second half semester has already begun.
I have to continue learning hard!!
And always!!!
What I want now is just to pass this course and go to my degree program,
since my scores before is not so satisfying!!!
No way!!!
Only pass this course???
I planned to get straight "A"s, or even "A+"s.
However, the highest score was "A" in normal quizzes.
Wait!! I think I can get "A" in my finals cause I'm working hard!!!
And I always will!!
God bless me!!
I'm the hero of the earth,
I'm the hero of the solar system,
and I'm the hero of the entire cosmos (j.k.)
Oh yeah!!
P.S. that is a burger borrowed from Mr. Scott.
The reason why I borrowed it because I can't help myself eating it!!
Every time I see that "sandwich (Scott's favorite)", I feel extremely hungry
even when I just finish my meal!!!
Good luck! man!
Now I'm hungry reading your blog too. I think I'll make burgers tonight!
Hi, the unromantic hungry super hero of the entire world with a perfect burger! :)
How are u doing? @@@@@
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