Felix, Sharron, John, Hisham, and I went to play badminton in a club.
This was the second time I played badminton since nearly 2 mths ago last time.
And because of no high-level players to play with me,
I played worse and worse,
Oh Gosh!!
This Friday, I played with a club member.
To tell you the truth,
I could beat him absolutely without thinking if I was in 9 mths ago!!
But that night, I was out of energy and I lost my skills and senses.
Therefore, I was beaten 21:3.
It was really a terrible score for me.
I wish I was full of energy and skills that time.
That's great that you and your friends get out and do stuff like badminton. All work and no play makes for a dull life :-)
Ok..umm i kinda see what happened when you played that person, sometimes it happens to me when playing table tennis loss energy and concentration. you still have to remember as an athlete that people got their good and bad moments,,
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